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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Buy A Domain Name And Link It With Your Blog

As we mentioned in the previous chapters, buying a domain name is a must to prepare for SEO.
We will discuss how to buy a domain name and link it to your blog, you won't transfer your template to your new domain all what are you going to do is linking your blog to your new domain so when anyone types he will be redirected to your new domain name.

How to Choose Your Domain Name?
You need to be careful when you choose your domain name, as we said in chapter 5 use Google Adwords to determine whether your keyword is strong or not.
Your domain name should be, if your keyword for example is gaming, try to make your domain name familiar with gaming like
Now let's Buy Our Domain.
We will buy our domain from GoDady why?
Because you will register your domain for a year, for how much?
I won't tell you know finish reading to discover the miracle.
Go to this link to get your discount coupon
Find the domain name that you want

Proceed to checkout then ignore this page by clicking no thanks!

Are You Ready To See The Price?!

Yes $6.17 for a whole year, don't let the happiness takes you and finish your domain!
Now proceed to the next step, and fill your billing information.
Then place your order and checkout. Congratulations the domain is yours.
It's a beautiful feeling when you own your first paid domain .com , explore your website, change your template make anything to get out this unbelievable happiness.
Now let's go back to our point, we want to link our new paid domain to our blog, how?
After registration go to your account you will find the domain that you've recently registered, go there, another page will open. Search for DNS manager then click launch.
There will be a few tables go to the one which named A(host), now pay attention.
1-    Remove any writings in the blanks
2-    Click on quick add below the table.
3-    Write @ sign on the first column which named host 
4-    And write in the column which named point to write 
5-    Leave the TTL field empty as it is on the host hour1
Repeat the above steps to add the 4 IP Addresses.
In the same page you will find another table named CHAME(Alias), search for www in the first column and change @ sign with
Add this code in the host column RPGEG2E57AK3

Then click save zone.

Now let's go to blogger part

1-    Go to your blogger dashboard and go to your blog.
2-    Go to settings. Then go to add a custom domain which is under publishing
3-    Go to advanced settings then write the domain name that you've registered.


Now I could tell you that it's your time to celebrate and have fun. You have a paid domain .com like any other website or company, have fun and enjoy.
This should be your first step of your success story.

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