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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

50 Unique Seo Tips To Get A Higher Page Rank

1-    No SEO means no visitors, no visitors means no earning.
2-    Start doing Seo now the longer you leave it to start, the hardest the competition will be.
3-    Know your competetors, search for the first ranked websites whith the same keyword of yours.
4-    You don’t need to invest to get backlinks, just invest your time to create a good content.
5-    Never think your website is fininshed, you always have something to create and to masterful in.
6-    Get advice directly from Google webmaster help videos and webmaster guide lines.
7-    Write a good and unique title for both search engines and people.
8-    Link or add a free blog to your paid website, this will make it easier for you to make posts and to add a new pages.
9-    Market your content even free marketing will make the job.
10-                      Don't buy backlinks. Although it makes good results but will risk your website to be blocked from search engines.
11-                      Get backlinks from trusted sources, getting backlinks from trusted sources means that your website is trustworthy.
12-                      Relationships with your partners will make a quality backlinks because you can ask them to link for you.
13-                      get backlinks from different sources, don't target just one source.
14-                      Your aim is to ranke from the best 3 websites for a specfic keyword not even the best 10
15-                      Start promoting other websites in social media inorder to be promoted back
16-                      Small business is more likely to suceed than big business because it can engage easily with people
17-                      Targeting your content and making SEO keyword plan is a basic factor to succeed
18-                      URL must fit with content of your website, people must guess the topic of your website when they look at the URL
19-                      Your master keyword must be included in nearly every post
20-                      If you changed the name of any URL in your website you should redirect it to the old one, if not all the backlinks for this URL will be wasted.
21-                      Use Google webmaster to check and to know your main keywords.
22-                      Use Google analytics to track the number of visitors in detail.
23-                      Keep in mind that you may be penalised from search engines because of low backlinks quality or low content quality.
24-                      Your content should be made for people to read not for search engines to rank, you should play it on the two wings.
25-                      Keep in mind that you may be penalised from search engined for duplicate content.
26-                      Don't make spam articles(making postes that are not related to the main keyword and mentioning the keyword on those posts)
27-                      Don't copy content from other websites in another world don't fool search engines because they are not foolish.
28-                      Take out the best of you to make your content rank number 1.
29-                      Search your keywords carefully before optimizing them for search engines.
30-                      If you are confused getting ideas for keywords use Amazon and Ebay.
31-                      If your website is mixed with more than master keyword make a post for every keyword.
32-                      Ask other quality websites to link for you.
33-                      Join forums and blogs and add you link in the signature.
34-                      Linkback to partners websites for a possibilty to link you back
35-                      Always search for SEO strategies because you cannot depend on just one.
36-                      Your website's speed should be good in order to attract people and search engines to you.
37-                      Use images in posting and name them with the same name of your posts.
38-                      Make another small blogs with 3 or 4 articles and link them to your main blog.
39-                      Add social sharing buttons like facebook and twitter this will spread your link automaticlly to search engines.
40-                      Make personal posts from time to time to be engaged with people.
41-                      Add your phone number and home address this will improve your name in SEO.
42-                      Remove any broken links, broken links show search engines that your website is poor.
43-                      Your inner links must be powerful like from pages to another pages in your website this will srenghten your keywords.
44-                      Don't work on optimizing your website for desktops only, optimize it for mobiles and tablets also.
45-                      Make advertising campagnies if you could.
46-                      It's more easier for micro niches to be ranked than mixed or open niches.
47-                      Use SEO programes like traffic travias to track your rank position.
48-                      Don't ever be dissapointed because other webisites ranking higher than you, we were all born young.
49-                      Don't depend on SEO only for traffic find another sources like social media and advertising.

50-                      You are responsible for any mistake in your website, be carefull and don't anger search engines.

Visit our Arabic blog : المدونه الشامله لأحتراف التدوين

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Discover Blogger Basics And Additions

When the idea of making website came to mind, I went to my computer and start searching about domain names, I was shocked then.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Tips Before Starting Ptc Business

The best description for Ptc is " Online Investment " i don't like to call it work from home or online business because Ptc is not working and not a real business but this doesn't mean that it doesn't have a future, no actually it do have a future and you can make real money.

Friday, October 4, 2013

AdSense Approval Trick Through YouTube 2013

I've searched nearly all the blogs and forums for final and simple tricks to get approved in AdSense, but i never found an accurate and easy way to get approved, i have this trick that you are searching for, yes i do and i bet that you are going to get approved in less than 24 hours, follow the steps in this tutorial carefully and every thing will be like you've ever wondered!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

How To Add "You Might Also Like" Widget In Your Blog

You don't want  a guest to leave your blog, so why don't you put a little widget in the end of your posts to randomly choose other posts for your guests to read, like the one in this blog.
it is a nice and easy widget that will increase the time that your visitors spend in your blog, let's add you might also like widget!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Buy A Domain Name And Link It With Your Blog

As we mentioned in the previous chapters, buying a domain name is a must to prepare for SEO.
We will discuss how to buy a domain name and link it to your blog, you won't transfer your template to your new domain all what are you going to do is linking your blog to your new domain so when anyone types he will be redirected to your new domain name.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Determine Your Niche Content

As a beginner, you will not buy a domain name .com or even try to think 

about the idea, even the idea of investing, you are right you don't need to invest 

specially when you are in the first few steps, so what are you going to do? You 

are not going to start with a social network website or search engine!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

SEO Basics

Those three letters that you see whenever you search for search engines and page rank, SEO- Search Engines Optimization.

What is that supposed to mean?

Thursday, September 19, 2013

How To Make A Subscribers Mailing List In Your Website

What Is A Mailing List?

A Mailing list is where your subscribers E-mails are listed, it's also used in E-mail Marketing, in my opinion it's another way to let your visitors Signup to your website there is no difference. You can let people Signup to your website, you can make auto responds E-mails and more will be discussed.

Monday, September 16, 2013

AdSense Ultimate Strategy eBook

The information that you searched and will search about is collected in this 51 pages, 10500 words eBook.
This eBook is completely free, yes completely free.

We have collected all the information and basics about Google AdSense, Blogger And Web Hosting in this simple eBook. Everything is discussed by photos and we will make video tutorials soon.

This eBook is useful for beginners and averages.

Don't waste your time searching the internet, just download this free eBook and i bet you will find everything you want.

Points covered in this eBook

1- Determine Your Content.
2- Google Physical And Smart Parts.
3-Explore Blogger
4-SEO Basics
5-Best Places To Put AdSense Ads
6-How To Make A Successful Advertising Campagne 
7-Buy A Domain Name And Link It With Blogger
8-Tips To Protect Your AdSense Account
9-Micro Niche Sites Strategy
10-Build Strong Backlinks.
11-Mastering The Content
12-50 Final SEO Tips


Friday, September 13, 2013

Google AdSense Products

Google is the biggest advertising company on the internet it's not just a search engine, even being a search

 is not easy.

Google offers more than one way to make a good revenue from AdSense, the more clever are you in using

these ways, the more you will earn.

Google Adsense For Content: showing Google's Ads in your blog or website by copying the Ad code

that you requested from your Adsense Account.

This way makes the best online money specially if you have chosen the niche that you are writing about carefully and

checked for the keywords, you can make huge profits from the clicks if your main keywords cost per click are

high, you can check for the keywords cost on Google Adwords, and you can check how to know the

number of searches for this keyword per month and how to know the cost per click in SEO Basics.

Google Search: You can add a Google search bar in your blog and if anyone of your visitors searched for

something and clicked one of the advertisements that will appear you will get credit.

it's a good way to increase your revenue if you have a good number of visitors per day, if you want to add

Google's search bar follow these steps.

1. Go to Your Adsense Account,

2. My Ads search and click new custom search engine.

4.Design you search box then copy and paste the HTML code to your pages.

Hosted AdSense For Content: This one belongs to YouTube, you earn money for viewing Ads on your videos.

You can start your channel on YouTube and apply for partnership, check How To Be A YouTube Partner For More Information.

Adsense For Domains: This product only few people now it, Google provides this product for those who


a domain name and for example they couldn't work on it or they found that this business is

not compatible with them. What is this service?

When you own  an empty domain and you don't know what to do with it, Google offers you to put Adsense

advertisements in it, provided that you are not supposed to advertise for this website or even put your link in any

blog or social media, all what are you going to do is nothing but watching Adsense advertisements in your

website and getting revenue from the clicks.

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