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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

50 Unique Seo Tips To Get A Higher Page Rank

1-    No SEO means no visitors, no visitors means no earning.
2-    Start doing Seo now the longer you leave it to start, the hardest the competition will be.
3-    Know your competetors, search for the first ranked websites whith the same keyword of yours.
4-    You don’t need to invest to get backlinks, just invest your time to create a good content.
5-    Never think your website is fininshed, you always have something to create and to masterful in.
6-    Get advice directly from Google webmaster help videos and webmaster guide lines.
7-    Write a good and unique title for both search engines and people.
8-    Link or add a free blog to your paid website, this will make it easier for you to make posts and to add a new pages.
9-    Market your content even free marketing will make the job.
10-                      Don't buy backlinks. Although it makes good results but will risk your website to be blocked from search engines.
11-                      Get backlinks from trusted sources, getting backlinks from trusted sources means that your website is trustworthy.
12-                      Relationships with your partners will make a quality backlinks because you can ask them to link for you.
13-                      get backlinks from different sources, don't target just one source.
14-                      Your aim is to ranke from the best 3 websites for a specfic keyword not even the best 10
15-                      Start promoting other websites in social media inorder to be promoted back
16-                      Small business is more likely to suceed than big business because it can engage easily with people
17-                      Targeting your content and making SEO keyword plan is a basic factor to succeed
18-                      URL must fit with content of your website, people must guess the topic of your website when they look at the URL
19-                      Your master keyword must be included in nearly every post
20-                      If you changed the name of any URL in your website you should redirect it to the old one, if not all the backlinks for this URL will be wasted.
21-                      Use Google webmaster to check and to know your main keywords.
22-                      Use Google analytics to track the number of visitors in detail.
23-                      Keep in mind that you may be penalised from search engines because of low backlinks quality or low content quality.
24-                      Your content should be made for people to read not for search engines to rank, you should play it on the two wings.
25-                      Keep in mind that you may be penalised from search engined for duplicate content.
26-                      Don't make spam articles(making postes that are not related to the main keyword and mentioning the keyword on those posts)
27-                      Don't copy content from other websites in another world don't fool search engines because they are not foolish.
28-                      Take out the best of you to make your content rank number 1.
29-                      Search your keywords carefully before optimizing them for search engines.
30-                      If you are confused getting ideas for keywords use Amazon and Ebay.
31-                      If your website is mixed with more than master keyword make a post for every keyword.
32-                      Ask other quality websites to link for you.
33-                      Join forums and blogs and add you link in the signature.
34-                      Linkback to partners websites for a possibilty to link you back
35-                      Always search for SEO strategies because you cannot depend on just one.
36-                      Your website's speed should be good in order to attract people and search engines to you.
37-                      Use images in posting and name them with the same name of your posts.
38-                      Make another small blogs with 3 or 4 articles and link them to your main blog.
39-                      Add social sharing buttons like facebook and twitter this will spread your link automaticlly to search engines.
40-                      Make personal posts from time to time to be engaged with people.
41-                      Add your phone number and home address this will improve your name in SEO.
42-                      Remove any broken links, broken links show search engines that your website is poor.
43-                      Your inner links must be powerful like from pages to another pages in your website this will srenghten your keywords.
44-                      Don't work on optimizing your website for desktops only, optimize it for mobiles and tablets also.
45-                      Make advertising campagnies if you could.
46-                      It's more easier for micro niches to be ranked than mixed or open niches.
47-                      Use SEO programes like traffic travias to track your rank position.
48-                      Don't ever be dissapointed because other webisites ranking higher than you, we were all born young.
49-                      Don't depend on SEO only for traffic find another sources like social media and advertising.

50-                      You are responsible for any mistake in your website, be carefull and don't anger search engines.

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